Jul 13, 2009

New Mom Jewelry Rewards For A Job Well Done

By Ross Lewis

New mom jewelry has always been popular, I am in my late forties and my father always gave my mom a gift of jewelry when she had another baby. For my elder brother he gave her an eternity ring, for me he gave her a marquisette watch, and when my younger brother was born, I don't know what he gave her. I didn't much care as I didn't think she had done that great a job, pushing out this new baby who took most of the attention away from me, her little girl!

Regardless of me and my damaged psyche after being submitted to the wiles of a baby brother, it is still very fashionable for men to give their wives new mom jewelry, now, rather brazenly referred to as "push presents". I wonder what you give to a wife who has had a Caesarian Section, their own branch of Tiffany & Co?

Actually I am not so hard hearted, men do thank their wives for giving birth and quite rightly so. Many sensibly young women these days are having babies much later and my daughter is a case in point. She had her first baby a little over a year ago and she turns thirty this year, she is old by my standards and young by many of her friends standards, to be a new mother. But if it had been up to her, she still wouldn't have had a baby yet.

It is definitely the right thing for a man to do, thank their wife for giving them a beautiful healthy child. It is also a case of thanking them for enduring the sleepless nights, hardly being able to breathe, hemorrhoids, kicks in the bladder, acid reflux, morning sickness and all the other pleasantries that come along with being pregnant and giving birth.

My daughter is classic, she didn't want to start a family, her husband did, so she got her push presents out of the way first. After negotiating a large diamond engagement ring of her own design and a trip to the Caribbean, she had no choice; he gave her, her push presents in advance, now she had to present the goods.

But for all you expecting men out there you had better make sure you get some nice ideas together for push presents. New mom jewelry is one of the best ideas, you can go for the atypical charm bracelet, or go for something completely different. I would suggest a two week holiday in the Bahamas for your wife, alone, at a spa, while you stay home and take care of the baby.

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